Saturday, December 20, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!


Our first graders had a surprise visit from Santa yesterday and although Santa left without making an appearance he sure left a lot of presents for our sweet students. Check out this video (link below) of our Santa visit and I promise it will put a smile on your face!

Santa Visit to Mill Creek Elementary!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Ms. Bale, Mrs. Palmer & Ms. Schwager

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our first graders had a lot of fun this week celebrating Thanksgiving! On Monday they wrote opinion pieces telling whether they would want to be an Indian or a Pilgrim for Thanksgiving and why. Then they got to decorate either a pilgrim's hat or Indian headdress to wear to our Thanksgiving feast. They feasted on turkey, rolls, macaroni and cheese, green beans & pumpkin pie! The students loved getting to act out the first Thanksgiving feast and learning how the Indian's helped the Pilgrims when they arrived to America.

On Tuesday morning they got some great exercise through the Turkey Trot. Then Tuesday afternoon those students who were at school everyday, without being late & returned a permission slip got to go to the Texas Hoedown! Those students had a lot of fun going on a hayride, making s'mores, drinking apple cider & petting some pretty cool animals. They absolutely loved it! Here is a video of our Texas Hoedown!

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!

Ms. Bale, Mrs. Palmer & Ms. Schwager



Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

First of all let me say a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated Chili items for Freaky Friday! It was a huge success and first grade raised over $500 in money! We will deifnitely be taking a fun field trip in the future!

This week was Halloween week at the Creek! The Blue Apple Players came to our school on Wednesday to perfom a Wild West version of the Three Little Pigs. It was so funny! In math we have been learning how to decompose (or break apart) a number leading to ten. Since today was Halloween we had a Jack-O-Latern paper and created our own ways to decompose numbers. We drew teeth on the top and bottom of the mouth of our pumpkins and created an equation to match. For example, if I drew three teeth on the top of my pumpkin mouth and 4 on the bottom, my equation would be 3+4=7. It was so much fun and the students worked so hard to create their own pumpkin and equation. They will be displayed in the hallway soon! In reading this week we practiced using text features such as title, labels, and captions. We drew a pumpkin, created a title, labeled the pumpkin, and even created a caption. The students did a wonderful job. This afternoon we had a lot of fun at during the Paw Party dance and the classroom party! Below are some pictures of my kiddos. Enjoy!

Mrs. Palmer

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fire Safety Week!

Last week was fun and exciting as we learned about fire safety! On Wednesday, we had convocation in the morning and two officers came to school to talk with students about how they became firefighters. It was great to hear about how students can reach those same goals! Then on Thursday, a fire truck and firemen came to our school to visit! We got to go outside and listen to tips about what to do if there is a fire at school or home. We learned how to crawl on he ground if there is smoke in the house, make sure our alarms are working, and how to set a meeting place with your family if you have to leave the house quickly because of a fire. We learned to stop, drop, and roll if any of our clothes get on fire! Ask your kiddos about some things they learned and make sure you have a plan if there is ever a fire in your home. The best part of the learning involved seeing everything in person on the fire truck and taking a walk through! Here are some pictures from my class as we got to go inside and explore. Enjoy!

Mrs. Palmer

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Math Blog, Book Level App & a "Frozen" Sharpen the Saw

I hope all of our first graders and their families have had a great weekend and are sharpening the saw! Mrs. Palmer, Ms. Schwager and I wanted to make sure our parents knew about a couple of great resources for reinforcing math and reading content at home. Thanks to JCPS there is a blog that gives you "how to" videos, apps & computer games that will help with practicing 1st grade math skills at home. We hope you take advantage of this great resource! Just click on the link below.

JCPS First Grade Math Blog

There is also a GREAT app that is made my Scholastic called Bookwizard. This app helps you choose books that are on your child's reading level. All you have to do is scan the book and it will list the DRA level (reading level) for that book. (It will also list other reading levels but look for the one that says DRA. That is the program we use to test their reading level.)

Click below to access the Book Wizard app or website.

Scholastic Book Wizard App

Scholastic Book Wizard Website

I also wanted to share a video from a few weeks ago during Sharpen the Saw. We worked our minds by doing seek and finds & listened to Disney music. Frozen's "Let It Go" came on and let's just say the students sure showed off their singing abilities. Enjoy!

                                                                                                                                 Ms. Bale

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kentucky Kids Day!

Tuesday was Kentucky Kids Day and 1st grade celebrated big time! We had popcorn and kool-aid while we drew illustrations. All of the students got to take home play-dough and of course no day in 1st grade is complete without getting a little messy. We played with shaving cream and the students LOVED it! Here are some pictures from my class.

                                                                                                                           Ms. Bale



Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thank You!

We just wanted to take a second and say "Thank you" for all of your support! Your child's success is truly a team effort and we're excited to see what all 1st grade can accomplish this year. (And, thank you to everyone who came out to Open House! It's always good to see and talk to you.)

Ms. Bale, Mrs. Palmer & Ms. Schwager

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Reading Tips for Home

With the first 4 weeks behind us we wanted to share a couple of great resources to help give you ideas for working with your child at home. These links are specifically geared towards reading.

Reading Tips at Home (This link gives ideas about reading at home, in general.)

Reading Fluency Tips (This link gives some ideas on strategies to use when a child gets "stuck" on a word they don't know. Hint: This would be great to help with our reading homework!)

We hope these ideas help support your little readers! Have a great weekend.

Ms. Schwager, Mrs. Palmer & Ms. Bale

Friday, September 5, 2014

Labor Day Week!

This week was a wonderful one at the Creek! We have been working hard with writing about Social Studies topics. We are currently publishing our writing on a video that we will post soon on the blog! (Ms. Bale and Ms. Schwager will post theirs too!) In reading we have been having fun learning to retell a story. We have discussed why telling a story in the correct sequence, or order, is important. Ask your kiddos and listen to what they have to say! In math, we have successfully complete reading, writing, and counting to 120. We have also completed learning about place value. This week we began addition. The kiddos learned the Sums of Ten by creating a rainbow to help remember the equations fluently. Ask them to draw it for you at home! You will see it this coming week in the homework packet. On Friday we even had a mini Math Bee to practice adding within 10. The kids had a blast! Below are a couple videos of what the Math Bee looked like in my classroom. I was so proud of their effort and cheering on their classmates!

Mrs. Palmer

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Welcome to First Grade!

Hi and welcome to our very first "Mill Creek First Grade" website! Mrs. Palmer, Ms. Schwager and I are VERY excited to be able to share some things that we'll be doing this year in First Grade.

When you visit our blog this year you will find pictures and videos of all of our students hard at work. We will also share some things about each of our classes throughout the year. It is just another way for you to see what your child is learning and doing each day when they come to school. We hope you enjoy reading about not only your child but some of their classmates, as well. Keep checking back for more updates from myself, Ms. Schwager or Mrs. Palmer! I'll leave you with a video of some of my students during Reading where they had to act out a scenario and the class had to guess the setting of the scenario. They all did such a great job!

(And yes, that is all of us at Mrs. Palmer's wedding last October! It's wonderful when your teammates become some of your greatest friends.)

Ms. Bale